I've re-installed Windows and all the softwares I used to use to my laptop this Monday. The main reason is the malfunction of Windows Installor, in which I cannot install Java SDK and others.
Here is how I did it in order:
- Restore the factory backup by Drive Image SE
- Install PC-Cillin and update
- Windows Update - SP2, Medai Player, and etc.
- Remove the useless softwares attached with my laptop
- Set the system profile - region and language, account, and etc.
- Download Firefox and Thunderbird - GET RID OF IE!
- Install MS Office, Palm Desktop, PocketMirror, BackupBuddy, and tune up
- Synchronize with my PDA
- Install Dr. Eye and update
Up to now, my laptop is new and clear like a virgin. Next, install the softwares I use mostly everyday.
- Matlab, Mathematica, Overture, CoolEdit
- WinRAR, Winzip, RAMIdle, ConvertZ, Unicode-At-on, ACDSee3
- MSN, PCMan, Purdue Air Link, NetTransport
- Acrobat, Crimson, MikTex, Dev-C++, Java SDK, Ghostscript
- RealPlayer, iTune(and QuickTime), Winamp2, Xvid
Almost done. I work with it for few days and see what else I miss and what I should adjust. Hm.. maybe I need to install some small games for recreation :p
It is not easy and it took me a whole day to install everything, not including the adjustment afterwards. Hope it could last until next summer.