May 27, 2005


I've re-installed Windows and all the softwares I used to use to my laptop this Monday. The main reason is the malfunction of Windows Installor, in which I cannot install Java SDK and others.

Here is how I did it in order:

  1. Restore the factory backup by Drive Image SE
  2. Install PC-Cillin and update
  3. Windows Update - SP2, Medai Player, and etc.
  4. Remove the useless softwares attached with my laptop
  5. Set the system profile - region and language, account, and etc.
  6. Download Firefox and Thunderbird - GET RID OF IE!
  7. Install MS Office, Palm Desktop, PocketMirror, BackupBuddy, and tune up
  8. Synchronize with my PDA
  9. Install Dr. Eye and update

Up to now, my laptop is new and clear like a virgin. Next, install the softwares I use mostly everyday.

  1. Matlab, Mathematica, Overture, CoolEdit
  2. WinRAR, Winzip, RAMIdle, ConvertZ, Unicode-At-on, ACDSee3
  3. MSN, PCMan, Purdue Air Link, NetTransport
  4. Acrobat, Crimson, MikTex, Dev-C++, Java SDK, Ghostscript
  5. RealPlayer, iTune(and QuickTime), Winamp2, Xvid

Almost done. I work with it for few days and see what else I miss and what I should adjust. Hm.. maybe I need to install some small games for recreation :p

It is not easy and it took me a whole day to install everything, not including the adjustment afterwards. Hope it could last until next summer.