Apr 25, 2008

Goons and Thugs

在美國生活了一段時間,從來沒有聽到過或看到過這兩個字,但 CNN 在上週的一個政論節目中,在談論美國與中國的關係時,用了這兩個字形容了中國(人)。


goon (noun)
- a silly, foolish, and eccentric person. (Oxford American Dictionary)
- a stupid person; or a man hired to terrorize or eliminate opponents. (Merriam-Webster)
- a real man or nigga. (Urban Dictionary)

thug (noun)
- a violent person, esp. a criminal. (Oxford American Dictionary)
- a brutal ruffian or assassin. (Merriam-Webster)
- a thug is someone who is going through struggles, has gone through struggles, and continues to live day by day with nothing for them. (Urban Dictionary)

J: "I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years."


Apr 13, 2008



"在$20的折扣中, 我只省到$1", 第6個人忿忿不平的說, 並指向第10個人,"但他省下了$10!"

"是啊是啊", 第5個, 現在喝免費, 的人說 "我只省到$1, 第10個人省到我10倍的錢真是不公平啊"

"那是真的," 第7個人也吆喝著 "為什麼有人拿$10, 而我只拿$2? 有錢人佔盡所有便宜!!"

"甚麼?", 前4個人也嚷嚷起來了, "我們甚麼都沒拿到! 這個系統剝削窮人!!"


著名部落客 BillyPan 寫了一篇文章《請台塑不要亂漲油價!!踢爆騙人的油價計算公式!!》,也是有種同樣的毛病。作為一個企業體,最最最重要的事情是什麼?絕對不是什麼社會責任,或是國家認同,而且追求利潤。若是連這一點都無法認清,就不要談經濟了。


Apr 10, 2008

Made In Taiwan: Functional Geography

“On a recent trip to Taiwan, I purchased this bottle opener at the Taipei 101 building (technically still the tallest building in the world until the Burj Dubai opens),” writes John Sperling. “The functional part of the bottle opener is in the shape of Taiwan. It makes you wonder which other countries are suitable for everyday tasks like opening bottles.”Picture provided by Mr Sperling.

[cited from: Strange Maps]

Apr 2, 2008

Drink the Kool-Aid


Chris: I'm thinking about attending a PETA rally.
Donna: Whatever you do, don't drink the Kool-Aid!

其實 Kool-Aid® 是在美國一種知名的人工水果口味飲料,似乎深受美國小朋友喜愛。但 "Drink the Kool-Aid" 其實是源自一件1978年在 Jonestown,914人的集體死亡事件(宗教集體自殺),帶領者 Jim Jones 要求大眾喝下帶有氰化毒物 (Cyanide) 的 Flavor-Aid®,但是這產品沒有名氣,新聞報導就「借用」類似產品且名字相仿的 Kool-Aid® 來作報導,所以才會有後來這句俚語出現。

1. HotForWords
2. "Jonestown Massacre" - wikipedia